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Specialized in legal consultancy and criminal litigation, both with emphasis on White-Collar Crime, the Miguel Reale Junior Advogados office is committed to defending the rights of its clients and prioritizes a personal client-lawyer relationship, aligning its tradition  of pugnacity and trust.



Miguel Reale Junior Sociedade de Advogados specializes in legal consultancy in Criminal Law and criminal litigation, with emphasis on White-Collar Crime: crimes against the financial system and capital markets, crimes against the public administration, unfair competition crimes, crimes against consumer relations, crimes provided for in the Money Laundering Legislation, environmental crimes, crimes against property, tax crime, crimes against the social security system, traffic crimes, electoral crimes, among others.

The office stands out in the preparation of legal opinions, as well as strategic consultancy to prevent and reduce the risk of criminal liability for administrators, including the development and application of Compliance policies.

With regard to litigation, the office represents both legal entities and individuals, whether in the investigation phase or in the procedural phase, in any courts in the Federation. In this context, the office's work before the Superior Court of Justice and the Brazilian Supreme Court stands out, with the presentation of memorials and oral arguments by Prof. Miguel Reale Júnior.



Miguel Reale Júnior, still a solicitor, in his fifth year of law, began, in 1967, as to work on Jury cases alongside young and promising criminal lawyers. He began teaching at the Largo de São Francisco Law School in June 1969. He started his own office, independent but physically linked to that of his father, Miguel Reale.

In 1970, Miguel Reale Júnior began to count on the collaboration of Andrés Balestra, who had been his fifth year student in 1969.

In 1983, he became a partner of another former student, David Teixeira de Azevedo, founding the firm Reale e Azevedo Advogados Associados, which lasted until David's departure, when it changed the the name to Reale Advogados Associados (changed again, in 2007, to Reale e Moreira Porto Advogados Associados), with Miguel Reale Sr. still working, however, separately, in his own office.

With his father, Miguel Reale Júnior prepared several opinions, some also together with his wife, civil lawyer Judith Martins-Costa. In the criminal area, in addition to practicing combative contentious law, Miguel Reale Júnior has worked and continues to act as an expert, having published six books of opinions (Direito Penal Aplicado, 1,2,3 and 4; Casos de Direito Constitucional, and Problemas Penais Concretos).

Miguel Reale Junior decided to move away from Reale and Moreira Porto, to establish Miguel Reale Júnior Sociedade de Advogados in 2012, together with his office colleague Filipe Vergniano Magliarelli.

In March 2017, Miguel Reale Junior Advogados expanded its current facilities and, in addition to the partnership with Costa, Coelho Araújo e Zaclis Advogados, signed a new partnership with the renowned Rio Grande do Sul office Alexandre Wunderlich Advogados, which established a branch in São Paulo.

In July 2017, with Filipe Magliarelli's departure from the firm, Paula Kagueiama, then a lawyer at the firm, became a partner of Miguel Reale Júnior.

In July 2022, Daiana Ryu joined as a partner, due to the departure of Paula Kagueiama to join the advisory team of a Minister of the Superior Court of Justice. 

All work carried out by the office in the litigation and consultancy areas has the support of one of the most complete legal libraries in the country, located in the city of Canela, in Rio Grande do Sul, headquarters of the Institute of Cultural Studies, founded by partner Miguel Reale Júnior.

Miguel Reale Junior


Partner; Professor; Attorney; Full Professor of Criminal Law at the University of São Paulo Law School; member of the Brazilian Lawyers Institute and the São Paulo Lawyers Institute; President of the São Paulo Lawyers Association (1977-1978); Member of the Federal Council of the Brazilian Bar Association (1979-1983); Member of the Council of the Brazilian Bar Association – São Paulo Section (1974-1977); President of the Commission for the Recognition of Dead and Missing Persons during the Military Regime (1995-2001); Minister of Justice in 2002.


Miguel Reale Júnior graduated in 1967 from the University of São Paulo Law School. He completed his JSD from the University of São Paulo in 1971. Visiting Professor in 1974 at the same University; Full Professor of Criminal Law at the Department of Criminal Law, Forensic Medicine and Criminology at the University of São Paulo Law School since 1987. Head of the Criminal Law Department at USP (2002 to 2006 / 2012 to August 2014).


In 1983, he took over the Public Security Department of the State of São Paulo under the Franco Montoro government. In 1987, he became president of the Federal Council of Narcotics-COFEN, a body linked to the Ministry of Justice. In 1995, he was appointed State Secretary for Administration and Modernization of the Public Service in the Government of São Paulo, managed by Mário Covas.


He was a Member of the Drafting Committee of the General Part of the Criminal Code and the Criminal Execution Legislation, from 1980 to 1984; President of the Brazilian Criminal System Diagnostic Commission and the Drafting Committee of Draft Laws amending the General Part of the Criminal Code, as well as the Criminal Execution Legislation, in 2000; Member of the Constitutional Studies Commission, chaired by Afonso Arinos; Special advisor to the Presidency of the National Constituent Assembly. He also chaired the Commission responsible for analyzing the State's responsibility in the face of political deaths and disappearances during the military regime.


He was Minister of Justice in the Fernando Henrique Cardoso government in 2002 and President of the São Paulo Lawyers Association. 


Author of several books on doctrine, a collection of legal opinions and several articles in several Brazilian and foreign legal magazines. Member of the Academia Paulista de Letras (chair no. 2), as well as the Real Academia de Jurisprudencia y Legislación. 

In 2015, he was awarded the Santo Ivo Medal, awarded by the College of Presidents of Lawyers' Institutes throughout Brazil.


In 2024, he received the title of partner emeritus of the São Paulo Lawyers Institute.


Languages: English, French, Italian and Spanish.

daiana santos ryu

Partner; PhD and Master in Criminal Procedural Law from the University of São Paulo. Postgraduate in Economic Criminal Law from the Institute of European Economic Criminal Law of the University of Coimbra Law School. Holds a Law degree from the University of São Paulo. Member of the Board of Reviewers of several scientific journals. 


Languages: English and Italian.



Avenida Nove de Julho, 3147, 6th floor, suite 62
Jardim Paulista, São Paulo-SP, 01407-000


T +55 (11) 3031-9133

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