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Miguel Reale Júnior foi considerado como jurista referência para o Direito Brasileiro em pesquisa realizada com juízes de todos os graus. Entre os juízes de primeira e de segunda instância, Miguel Reale Júnior ficou entre os dez nomes mais citados. Já entre os Ministros dos Tribunais Superiores, ele foi o segundo jurista mais indicado (pesquisa concluída em nov./2018).



Miguel Reale Júnior é destaque na revista Chambers and Partners - Latin America (Rankings 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020 e 2019), figurando, por cinco anos consecutivos, na mais relevante posição, como "Senior Statesperson”, dentro da especialidade de Direito Penal Empresarial (Dispute Resolution: White-Collar Crime - Brazil).


A revista Chambers and Partners sintetiza a opinião do mercado sobre Miguel Reale Júnior (referente ao Ranking 2022): ""Senior statesperson Miguel Reale Júnior is an esteemed figure in the white-collar crime practice area. A market experts affirms: 'He is an emblematic individual and one of the greatest names in criminal law.'"


Em 2.021, comentou-se: "Market commentators report that senior statesman and professor Miguel Reale Júnior is often sought out to provide legal opinions on high-profile cases. He remains well regarded in this arena in connection with his former experience as the Minister of Justice. 'He is one of the most brilliant names in this practice area, commends an interviewee'".  

Em 2.020, a revista Chambers and Partners também reuniu os comentários do mercado sobre o advogado: "Former Minister of Justice Miguel Reale Júnior is acknowledged by a market commentator as 'one of the most intellectual lawyers around, who does a good job’. Another source describes him as 'a reference’, adding: 'He is a professor and a brilliant and technical lawyer’".  

Em 2.019, comentou-se: "Former Minister of Justice Miguel Reale Júnior of Miguel Reale Júnior Advogados is acknowledged by market sources as 'a solid penal law academic who often organises study groups to discuss new legislation.' Commentators also add: 'He is very strategic and active providing legal opinions'".

Chambers and Partners

Miguel Reale Júnior é destaque no guia internacional Who's Who Legal, na categoria "Business Crime Defence" (Ranking 2023 Global Elite Thought Leader).

"Miguel Reale Júnior 'is an extremely well-respected lawyer and academic'.'

Miguel Reale Júnior é destaque no guia internacional Who's Who Legal, na categoria "Business Crime Defence" (Rankings 2023, 2021, 2020, 2019 e 2018).

Em 2020, 2021, 2022 e 2023, Miguel Reale Júnior aparece como advogado recomendado no Guia Global (Business Crime Defence - Individuals e Corporates) e no Guia Nacional (Brazil - Business Crime Defence & Investigations).


"Miguel Reale Júnior of  Miguel Reale Junior Advogados is described by peers as 'a pleasure to work with' and 'a role model for all criminal attorneys'.' (Ranking 2022).

"Miguel Reale Júnior ranks highly among peers who consider him to be "one of the most prestigious lawyers in the country" (Ranking 2021).

"Miguel Reale Júnior is 'a very prominent Brazilian jurist' who possesses considerable experience advising clients on corporate criminal litigation" (Ranking 2020).

​"Miguel Reale Júnior is a widely recognised criminal lawyer who is held in high esteem by commentators for his experience of corporate criminal matters" (Ranking 2019).

who is who legal

Todos os direitos reservados. Miguel Reale Junior Sociedade de Advogados.

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